The existence of “reptilian beings” confirmed in ancient Egyptian papyri

There is a lot of evidence out there that points to our ancient civilizations also encountering an ancient civilization of aliens. Most interpretations of this point for ancient civilization are reptilian beings of some sort.

These historical records tell of the Serpent Nahash who supposedly lived in the Garden of Eden, Atυm, the Egyptian man-serpent hybrid, Quetzalcoatl, the serpent god of the Mayans, and, of course, Enki and Ea, the double helix serpents that can be found everywhere. the Sumerian historical books.

The idea of ​​reptilian beings through historical texts is nothing new, for example, the ancient god that the Egyptians believed in called Sobek. He was yet another hybrid creature said to be half man and half crocodile.

He was so powerful that with his own sweat he created the Nile River, which ended up creating vegetation and life in Egypt as we know it.

There is Khepri, the teacher of all things, Shυ and Tefnυt, Geb and Nυt, and so on.

Egypt believed that humanity itself had reptilian DNA and this is why we were allowed to live in their world in ancient times. What do you think? Do you think these reptilian beings were aliens all along?

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